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As a Women Owned and led boutique IP firm, where pay parity is a given, Pearce IP celebrates International Women’s Day and the diversity, equity and inclusion of which we are proud.  With more than 70% female leaders, menstrual and menopause leave, fertility leave, miscarriage and loss leave, more than 20% part-timers, and a “work from anywhere” business model, there is much to celebrate with diversity at Pearce IP.

We take a moment now to shine the spotlight on some of our incredible female leaders in our Leading Lights series. These trailblazing women are not just leading the way in their fields, they are redefining what it means to be a leader in today’s world.

Happy International Women’s Day 2024!

Adele Chadwick – Deputy CEO & Head of Talent

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day is a day to reflect and celebrate the advances made by women across the globe whether social, political, cultural or economic. I also take time on this day to celebrate women in my life who inspire me. My beautiful mum and sister, our inspiring leader at Pearce IP, Naomi Pearce, and my colleagues who are constantly achieving new heights in their profession.

As a successful woman in your chosen field, what or who drove you to be successful?

Two people influenced me to be successful in my chosen profession.  Firstly, my Dad, who instilled in me a work ethic and intestinal fortitude to be the best I could be.  I can still hear him saying “you only get one shot at life, make it count”.  Secondly, my high school careers teacher – a woman – who told me I wouldn’t amount to much “so go and find yourself a rich husband”.  Those words, although cruel and inappropriate, still drive me to this day.

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to young women who are looking to you for leadership?

Take every opportunity you are offered that will help you achieve your goals, learn something from it and then teach others. Continue to be true to yourself, that’s why they chose you!

How do you ensure that you are a role model for women in the workplace?

I listen, share experiences, offer guidance, and allow them to take flight.  I have a strong values base that keeps me centred, professional and approachable to all staff and love the opportunity to mentor those wishing to thrive.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you?

This year, International Women’s Day has the theme of “Inspire Inclusion”.  We need to ensure we create a sense of belonging and embrace those things that make us different from each other.  Those differences ensure we are well rounded, make us better at what we do and open our eyes to new ways of doing things.

Read more about Diversity at Pearce IP