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Second Quallent Deal for US Adalimumab Distribution – BI follows Alvotech

May 13, 2024

On 13 May 2024, Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) announced a partnership with Cigna subsidiary Quallent Pharmaceuticals, under which Quallent will distribute high and low-concentration forms of BI’s citrate-free adalimumab biosimilar in the USA under its private label.  BI will continue to market its adalimumab products.

BI’s high concentration Cyltezo® was approved by the FDA in May 2024 and a low concentration formulation has been on the US-market since July 2023.

BI is the second Humira® biosimilar manufacturer to partner with Quallent, with Alvotech announcing last month its US partnership with Quallent to supply  Alvotech’s high-concentration interchangeable adalimumab biosimilar.