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Patient-Reported Outcome Results from Phase 3 Study Support Concizumab Prophylaxis

Jun 17, 2024

A Phase 3 study sponsored by Novo Nordisk and published in Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis found that once-daily concizumab prophylaxis significantly improved patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in individuals with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors compared to no prophylaxis.

Researchers assessed health-related quality of life (HRQoL), treatment preferences, and treatment burden using various questionnaires. Results showed that concizumab prophylaxis led to lower Haem-A-QoL scores, indicating better HRQoL, and was preferred by patients due to fewer bleeds, less pain, and reduced time required for treatment.  The study’s findings are said to support the value of concizumab as a promising treatment option for these patients.

Novo Nordisk markets concizumab under the brand name Alhemo® and it has been approved in Canada, Switzerland and Australia.