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Study Finds Switching from Janssen’s Remicade® to Infliximab Biosimilars Safe and Effective

Jul 9, 2024

A Pfizer-sponsored literature review, published in Expert Opinion on Biological Medicine on 9 July 2024, concluded that there were no unexpected or serious adverse events after patients with IBD switched from Janssen’s Remicade® (infliximab) to an infliximab biosimilar during treatment.  The literature review also reported that clinical effectiveness outcomes were consistent between originator infliximab and biosimilar infliximab.

Infliximab biosimilars included in the review were those approved in the US, Canada, Europe, UK and Japan, including Celltrion’s Remsima®, Pfizer’s Inflectra®, Organon’s Renflexis®, Sandoz’s Zessly® and Samsung Bioepis’ Flixabi®.

The literature review follows findings earlier this year that patients with IBD who switched from Janssen’s Remicade® (infliximab) to two different biosimilars were not associated with flares compared to patients who received Remicade® or underwent a single biosimilar switch.