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PTAB denies institution of Apotex’s IPR challenge to Regeneron key aflibercept patent

Mar 10, 2023

PTAB denied institution of the IPR filed by Apotex against Regeneron’s 11,253,572 patent relating to a method of treating an angiogenic eye disorder by administering a VEGF antagonist, including Eylea® (aflibercept).  Apotex filed the IPR in September 2022, challenging claims 1-5, 8-11, 14 and 26 for anticipation and 6, 7, 12 and 13 for obviousness.  PTAB found that Apotex had not demonstrated a reasonable likelihood that it would prevail in showing that any of the challenged claims of the ‘572 patent is unpatentable.

The ‘572 patent is one of the 24 patents included in the Regeneron suit against Mylan in West Virginia, filed in August 2022, and one of the six patents chosen by Regeneron to be determined at a 10 day trial in June 2023, 10 months after Regeneron filed its complaint.  No other application for IPR has been filed to date against the ‘572 patent, although there are currently 7 other applications against 3 patents pending: 10,130,681 (filed by Mylan, Celltrion and Samsung Bioepis), 10,888,601 (filed by Mylan, Celltrion and Samsung Bioepis) and 10,464,992 (filed by Celltrion).  Institution of Mylan’s challenge to 10,857,205 was recently denied after Regeneron disclaimed all claims of the patent. Last year PTAB invalidated Regeneron’s 9,254,338 and 9,669,069 for anticipation based on Mylan’s application for IPR.

In December 2022, we reported on Ontario’s biosimilar switching program which required patients to be transitioned to biosimilars (including infliximab) by 29 December 2023.