Helen Macpherson
Executive, Lawyer (Head of Litigation – Australia)
BSc(hons), LLB(hons), GDLP
Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours and University Medal)
Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours)
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Solicitor (NSW Supreme Court & High Court of Australia)
Email: helen.macpherson@pearceIP.law
Tel: +61 (0) 2 9023 9988
Helen has over 25 years’ experience as an intellectual property specialist and is recognised as an industry leader. Helen advises on all forms of intellectual property including patents, plant breeder’s rights, trade marks, copyright and confidential information.
Throughout her career, Helen has maintained a strong focus on high-value patent mandates involving complex technologies. In these mandates, Helen has been able to draw upon her technical training in biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as her ability to up-skill swiftly in relation to diverse technologies. Helen’s patent work has encompassed the technical fields of inorganic, organic, physical and process chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology (including genetics, molecular biology and virology) and physics.
Helen’s patent clients operate in a range of industries, including the pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, life sciences, agricultural, manufacturing and tech sectors. Helen regularly advises on the preparation and execution of patent infringement, revocation and amendment strategies, including in the context of multijurisdictional patent disputes, as well as on the impact of relevant regulatory frameworks on these strategies and on freedom to operate and patentability issues.
Helen also has extensive experience advising clients on consumer law issues and disputes, specifically in the context of misleading and deceptive conduct disputes between competitors and with regulators and industry bodies regarding promotional campaigns. These consumer law issues include assisting clients in relation to compliance with the Food Standards Code Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), such as labelling and packaging requirements.
Helen’s clients praise her for her exceptional intelligence and calm demeanour. She is recognised for her strategic and collaborative consultative approach and her ability to foster teamwork in decision-making.
Helen is a member of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Law Council of Australia, as well as a member of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Helen Macpherson Awards
World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR)
WIPR World's Leading IP Practitioners (2024)
Chambers and Partners
Intellectual Property: Patents - Global (2025)
Intellectual Property: Patents - Asia Pacific (2025)
Intellectual Property: Patents - Asia Pacific (2024)
Managing IP Stars
Patents Star (2024, 2023)
IAM Patent 1000
Silver ranking – Litigation (2024, 2023, 2022)
Silver ranking – Transactions (2024)
Legal 500
Ranked as a market leading Intellectual Property firm (2023)
World Trademark Review
Bronze - Enforcement & Litigation (Australia) (2025)
Best Lawyers, Australia
Intellectual Property (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016)
Euromoney Asia Women in Business Law Awards
Patent Lawyer of the Year (2021)
Pearce IP Awards
Chambers and Partners
Global - Intellectual Property (2025)
Asia Pacific - Intellectual Property (2025)
Asia Pacific - Intellectual Property (2024)
Legal 500 Asia Pacific
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2025)
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2024)
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2023)
Asia IP
Tier 3 for IP Proscecution (2024)
Tier 3 for IP Proscecution (2023)
IAM Patent 1000
Bronze for litigation (2023, 2022, 2021)
Bronze for prosecution (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
Australian Law Awards (Lawyers Weekly)
Finalist – Women in Law Awards – Boutique Diversity Firm of the Year (2022)
Finalist – Intellectual Property Team of the Year (2022)
Winner – Intellectual Property Team of the Year (2021)
Managing IP Stars
Patent Prosecution (2024, 2023, 2022)
The Only Leading Female Owned Life Sciences focussed IP Firm (2023)
Pearce IP ranked firm (2021)
World Trademark Review
Silver - Litigation and Prosecution Australia (2025)
Bronze - Litigation and Prosecution New Zealand (2025)
Litigation and Prosecution Australia (2024)
Women in Business Law Awards - APAC
Shortlisted – Australian Firm of the Year (2022)
Lexology Legal Influencer
Australasia – Healthcare and Life Sciences (Q2 2024, Q1 2024, Q4 2023, Q3 2023, Q2 2023, Q3 2022, Q2 2022, Q1 2021, Q4 2020)
Cross-border – Healthcare and Life Sciences (Q2 2024, Q1 2024, Q4 2023, Q3 2023, Q2 2023, Q1 2023)
Australasian Lawyer
Top Boutique Firm (2024)
5-Star Intellectual Property Law Firm (2021)
Doyles Intellectual Property
Doyles Leading Intellectual Property (2021, 2020)
Doyles Recommended Intellectual Property (2021)
By 2027, be the premier life sciences IP practice in
Australia and New Zealand.