Kimberley Evans
Executive, Lawyer & Trade Mark Attorney (Head of Trade Marks)
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)
Master of Laws
Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice
Graduate Certificate of Trade Mark Law and Practice
Graduate Diploma of Applied Intellectual Property
Solicitor (NSW Supreme Court & High Court of Australia)
Registered Trade Mark Attorney (AU, NZ)
Email: kimberley.evans@pearceIP.law
Tel: +61 (0) 2 9023 9988
Kim is a lawyer and registered Trans-Tasman trade mark attorney with a wide-ranging and impressive practice background spanning private practice, in-house experience and academic activities. Kim’s clients appreciate her responsiveness, and her ability to provide clear and pragmatic branding advice that is tailored to their commercial objectives and informed by industry developments.
With a background in telecommunications and IP/IT law, Kim’s focus is trade marks. Kim assists with all aspects of contentious and non contentious brand strategies. This includes protection, enforcement, and commercialisation of registered and unregistered brands in Australia and New Zealand. She:
- provides a full range of trade mark prosecution services, from adoption and searching through to filing and registration, including defending against post-registration actions;
- creates robust long-term and targeted trade mark protection and enforcement strategies;
- manages complex regional and international trade mark portfolios across a wide range of industries;
- advises on enforcement issues, including infringement, misleading and deceptive conduct, passing off, domain name disputes and recovery, and best methods for protecting IP on social media;
- assists with IP commercialisation including licenses and assignments;
- implements enforcement strategies involving office actions and State and Federal Court litigation.
Early in her career, Kim worked as a member of the in-house legal team for the UK and Republic of Ireland’s largest pay television provider British Sky Broadcasting, for several years. In Australia, she worked at Davies Collison Cave for more than five years before moving to Allens where she remained for just over a decade. She has supported some the world’s most recognisable brands including media conglomerates, pay television broadcasters, international hotel chains, biotechnology entities, FMCG companies, biofuel manufacturers, sporting bodies, and medical technology entities.
In addition to gaining skills in private practice and in-house, Kim taught and tutored in trade mark law and practice for several years for University of Technology, Sydney.
Kim is a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia, as well as a member of IPTA, the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, and IPSANZ, the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Kimberley Evans Awards
World Trademark Review
Silver - Prosecution & Litigation (Australia) (2025)
World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR)
WIPR World's Leading IP Practitioners (2024)
Pearce IP Awards
Chambers and Partners
Global - Intellectual Property (2025)
Asia Pacific - Intellectual Property (2025)
Asia Pacific - Intellectual Property (2024)
Legal 500 Asia Pacific
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2025)
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2024)
Market Leading Intellectual Property Firm (2023)
Asia IP
Tier 3 for IP Proscecution (2024)
Tier 3 for IP Proscecution (2023)
IAM Patent 1000
Bronze for litigation (2023, 2022, 2021)
Bronze for prosecution (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021)
Australian Law Awards (Lawyers Weekly)
Finalist – Women in Law Awards – Boutique Diversity Firm of the Year (2022)
Finalist – Intellectual Property Team of the Year (2022)
Winner – Intellectual Property Team of the Year (2021)
Managing IP Stars
Patent Prosecution (2024, 2023, 2022)
The Only Leading Female Owned Life Sciences focussed IP Firm (2023)
Pearce IP ranked firm (2021)
World Trademark Review
Silver - Litigation and Prosecution Australia (2025)
Bronze - Litigation and Prosecution New Zealand (2025)
Litigation and Prosecution Australia (2024)
Women in Business Law Awards - APAC
Shortlisted – Australian Firm of the Year (2022)
Lexology Legal Influencer
Australasia – Healthcare and Life Sciences (Q2 2024, Q1 2024, Q4 2023, Q3 2023, Q2 2023, Q3 2022, Q2 2022, Q1 2021, Q4 2020)
Cross-border – Healthcare and Life Sciences (Q2 2024, Q1 2024, Q4 2023, Q3 2023, Q2 2023, Q1 2023)
Australasian Lawyer
Top Boutique Firm (2024)
5-Star Intellectual Property Law Firm (2021)
Doyles Intellectual Property
Doyles Leading Intellectual Property (2021, 2020)
Doyles Recommended Intellectual Property (2021)
By 2027, be the premier life sciences IP practice in
Australia and New Zealand.