Naomi Pearce
CEO, Executive Lawyer (AUS, NZ), Patent Attorney & Trade Mark Attorney (AU, NZ)

Adele Chadwick
Executive, Deputy CEO & Head of Talent

Helen Macpherson
Executive, Lawyer (Head of Litigation – Australia)

Paul Johns
Executive, Lawyer (Head of Litigation – New Zealand)

Julie Ballance
Executive, Patent Attorney, Lawyer & Notary

Kimberley Evans
Executive, Lawyer & Trade Mark Attorney (Head of Trade Marks)

Christopher Coates (Maj Ret)
Executive, Finance

Rosie Stramandinoli
Executive (Acting) Patent & Trade Mark Attorney

Jacinta Flattery-O'Brien PhD
Special Counsel, Patent Attorney

Chantal Savage
Special Counsel, Lawyer

Lesley White
Consulting Regulatory Affairs Director

Donna Meredith
Associate Patent & Trade Mark Attorney

Nathan Kan
Law Graduate

Robin Smith
Executive Officer

Brittany Deleon
Consulting Process Manager

Imogen Bain

Kate Peuter
Executive Assistant

Celine Fook
Executive Assistant

Olivia Martelli
Executive Assistant

Jenny Likousis
Administrative Assistant

Jana Tankard
Executive Assistant
By 2027, be the premier life sciences IP practice in
Australia and New Zealand.